A sleep obsessed, top knot wearing, legging loving, coffee drinking, girl mom out to change the world one sleep deprived Mama at a time!
The best time
for new
is now

oh, hey!
A former marketeer-turned-sleep-coach, wife, mama to 2 little ladies and Irish expat in Doha for the past 10+ years... I LOVE my sleep! If I don’t get enough of it, I’m not a very nice person, period. So whenever I hear a fellow Mama (brand new or seasoned) speak about how exhausted she is, it brings up ALL KINDS OF FEELINGS. Why? Because despite what society wants us to believe, it doesn't have to be this way.
Real talk: wearing exhaustion as a badge of honour is just NOT cool.
After more than a decade in the corporate world and 2 babies later, I have made it MY ABSOLUTE MISSION to give shattered Mama’s like you a break. I do this by giving you the tools, training and confidence you need to solve your child’s sleep, and get back to living your best (multi-faceted) life.
A wise person once said, 'you can’t pour from an empty cup', and at a time where we as parents are expected to be all things to all people, there has never been a better time to take charge of your family’s sleep & overall wellbeing.
So if you’re ready to make some positive changes and go ALL IN, then I am ready to grab your hand and get to work! You can check out my packages, or get in touch and book a FREE 30-minute discovery call. And if you’re still feeling a little on the fence, you can check out some ‘love notes’ here from some previous happy clients!